Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Unusual Isles: Meet the Main Characters!

In honor of me finishing the fourth round of editing, I thought I might introduce the main characters of my novel The Unusual Isles. So, here they are: 

Josh Allen
Age: 19
School: Monroe High School
Appearance: average height (5’6”), slender build, black spiky hair, eyes so dark brown they’re almost black
Personality: intimidating, manipulative, powerful, street smart not book smart, wants to be in charge, spontaneous, acts without thinking
Fun Facts: captain of his school’s football team
Biggest Fear: water

Tyler Giles
Age: 17
School: Monroe High School
Appearance: skinny, has short to medium length dark brown hair, wears glasses, about 5’6” in height, non muscular
Personality: book smart but not street smart, won’t stand up for himself, easily manipulated, has an irritating attitude, non athletic,
Fun Facts: Josh hired him to be his personal assistant
Favorite subject: mechanics and computer science

Cole Wilder
Age: 16
School: Jackson High school
Appearance: fairly tall, about 6’1” in height, red hair, white skin, freckles
Personality: very smart, quiet, trusting, fun-loving, friendly when talked to but not extremely outgoing, clumsy
Fun Facts: he used to live in Michigan, but his family moved to LA right before he entered high school
Biggest Accomplishment: offered to skip a grade when he was younger

Ellary Johnson
Age: 17
School: Monroe High School
Appearance: skinny, long light brown hair, hazel eyes, about 5’5” in height,
Personality: smart, quiet, follows the rules, doesn’t speak out of turn, acts older than her age, goes through periodic phases of depression, seemed to have knowledge and insight about important world issues
Fun Facts: her dad is an investigative detective, she’s the president of the environmental club at her school
Relationship status/background: complicated

Bryce Randall
Age: 18
School: Jackson High School
Appearance: lean build, shaggy blonde hair, blue eyes, 5’11” in height,
Personality: strong, has leadership qualities, athletic, level headed (thinks before he acts), can think under pressure well, on the aggressive side, dominant
Fun Facts: Got his arm broken during a wrestling match, doesn’t know how to surf
Family: has a twin brother named Luke

Note: these are just the main characters for the story lines. There are many more important and supporting characters, but there are just the main ones for now.  


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